Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.

Posts tagged “Hans Wendt

Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 182 Going Down over San Diego after Colliding with Another Plane, 1978.

Reading the transcript of this, the last thing said was "Ma, I love ya" by an unknown person (probably the captain). That almost brought me to tears.

Reading the transcript of this, the last thing said was “Ma, I love ya” by an unknown person (probably the captain). That almost brought me to tears.

144 dead including 2 in the Cessna, 7 on the ground (2 children). With a reported impact speed of 300 mph, the Boeing 727 crashed into the North Park residential neighborhood of San Diego, CA.

Kind of a heartbreaking photo, knowing the outcome and reading the radio transcripts.

Photos of the plane in the air were taken by photographer Hans Wendt who was attending a press event. (A local news cameraman captured the fall of the Cessna on film, but I could not locate the footage.)

*Not only did no one survive, nobody made it intact.

“The accident was notable for the carnage it created. Only a few of the bodies were found recognizable and intact. First responders on the scene found pieces of bodies scattered throughout the area, including on rooftops and against trees, and gore splattered on walls.” (Source)
