Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.

Ernterfest : A Halloween Story


The research I undertook for “The Watch: The Secret War for the Soul of Germany” was designed to flesh out a fictional approach to the many questions about the occult influences at work in the decades of German history prior to World War II. The work led me into many dark corners, not places I would have chosen to go, not places I would have chosen to linger. One of the questions I sought to explore was the idea that hidden deep behind the politics of the NDSAP was a formalized magical ‘master plan’ designed to empower the Nazi regime.

This was proposed in the 1960s by authors Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier (The Morning of the Magicians, Destiny Books). Further research over the years led to the origins of occult thinking in Germany from the 19th into the early 20th century. Until the advent of the Internet…

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